How to get EBC certified
- Inscription
- Biochar companies register via the EBC website ( The producer will then receive their login to the secured EBC website where they are requested to provide all necessary information about the company and the pyrolysis technology they use.
- Following a first verification of the technical information and personal phone contact with the producer through the EBC, the company information is transmitted to the accredited inspection and certification body: bio.inspecta AG (
- The producer will receive an offer and contract for the EBC certification from bio.inspecta AG.
- Once the producer has signed the inspection contract, the Ithaka Institute will coordinate an appointment for the initial EBC audit with the biochar producing company.
- During the initial audit, a company-specific quality assurance and sampling plan will be drawn up. This plan is laid down in an instruction manual that will be signed by both parties. In addition, instruction is given in regard to the EBC methodology, the EBC documents, and the protocols to be kept and the procedure for the annual inspection by bio.inspecta AG.
- The company to be certified appoints a quality manager who will be the direct contact person for the inspection body, bio.inspecta AG, who will handle the entire certification process.